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My beliefs

The Government

The government is an all powerful being.
Hidden behind various names: FBI, CIA, etc. The FBI focuses on thing happening inside of the country, while the CIA focuses on things all over the world.
The FBI has killed numerous important people ever since its' creation in 1908. Martin Luther King Jr. being one of the most prominant figure (besides JFK, but I will get into that later).
Many witnesses reported seeing a man in white hidden in the bushes by the motel that MLK was staying at during the time. Even more witnesses reported seeing multiple shooters or things that did not add up with the story that the police had told the newspapers.
James Earl Ray, the supposed shooter, claimed for years that he did not kill MLK, and MLK's own family supported these claims and attempted to get the man out of prison.
The gun that J.E.R. had did not even match the bullet that the police said shot MLK. The police department cut down a tree outside the window where the supposed shooter shot out of...
Perhaps because they were working with the FBI and realized that because of the tree, the shooting would be impossible from there?
I myself believe that the government is attempting to MKULTRA me.
I've been to the psych ward numerous times and my most recent time I was freezing cold (something that was different from my last time there), and I experienced a breakdown of my spirit, mind, and body.
The freezing tempuratures, being forced to sleep on the floor, being starved for 5 days, etc; it was all a way to break me and make me more easier to brainwash and control.
I started having memory gaps, and I was told I was violent during those episode that I cannot remember. It's been months since then, and I still experience episodes where I am violent towards people suddenly and cannot control my own rage.
Recently, I yelled at two of my dear friends and then suddenly had an entire tone and attitude change. I apologized to them of course, but I am afraid.


Spirits are real. My proof? I was saved by one.
In the middle of August, 2024, I had attempted to take my own life by hanging. Somehow, someway, I had passed out and fallen.
Something paranormal had saved me, a God, Goddess, deity, SOMEONE. Someone had saved me. This is how I knew I had a purpose. If I didn't, I would not be alive right now.
I have always been interested in the paranormal, ever since I was a young child. I began dabbling in Paganism & Polytheistic religions a few years ago. I have also always been interested in Satanism.
A follower of Aphrodite and Lucifer I am. In my world, every religion exists if you believe it does.
I have talked to multiple spirits. One through a pendulum and another through my own spoken words and thoughts.
You may think I am insane, but this is real because I have experienced it first hand.
Eric, the ghost that I mainly speak to, is who I can communicate with through spoken words. I can feel his presence and see him through the spiritual world and the human realm merging together.
He's a bit shy, awkward to talk to sometimes, but is nice when you can verbally communicate to him whilst no one else is around. He enjoys older movies such as The Terminator, and enjoys The Walking Dead whenever I watch it.


Reality is what you see and experience for yourself. You create your own reality into what it is. Things only happen because they need to affect my reality.
I've had cases where I think something is going to happen and then it happens. The earliest case of thing happening that I can remember is when I was around 7 years old.
My grandparents took me into their house when I was younger before school, and I thought to myself, "Is my dad dead?" or something along the lines of, 'He's dead," when someone mentioned my father.
Turns out, he did pass away and that was why I was there. I had morphed my own reality through my own train of thought.
If I die, everything in this world, my own timelines, ceases to exist. You are only reading this because I have created you.
I am not claiming I am God or anything close to a God, I am simply just claiming that what you experience and what I experience will never be the same.
In your reality, I only exist because you created me. We created each other and our timelines have merged in some way.
Isn't that beautiful? The merging of timelines to lead to our own seperate demise later down the line.


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